Paragon City Games

Double Crisis

Aqua Diffuser (#23/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockAqua Diffuser (#23/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $1.48 - Out of StockDouble Aqua Energy (#33/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockDouble Aqua Energy (#33/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $2.61 - Out of StockDouble Magma Energy (#34/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockDouble Magma Energy (#34/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $1.36 - Out of StockMagma Pointer (#24/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockMagma Pointer (#24/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $0.85 - Out of StockTeam Aqua Admin (#25/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Aqua Admin (#25/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $1.49 - Out of StockTeam Aqua Grunt (#26/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Aqua Grunt (#26/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $5.33 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Carvanha (#20/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Carvanha (#20/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.45 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Great Ball (#27/34) - $0.86 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Great Ball (#27/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $4.49 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Grimer (#7/34) - $1.71 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Grimer (#7/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $4.98 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Kyogre EX (#6/34) - Holofoil - $231.77 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Mightyena (#18/34) - $0.95 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Mightyena (#18/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.84 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Muk (#8/34) - Holofoil - $1.77 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Muk (#8/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.47 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Poochyena (#16/34) - $0.63 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Poochyena (#16/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $2.96 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Sealeo (#4/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Sealeo (#4/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $6.22 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Secret Base (#28/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Secret Base (#28/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $2.51 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Seviper (#9/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Seviper (#9/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.38 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Sharpedo (#21/34) - Holofoil - $1.98 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Sharpedo (#21/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $4.3 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Spheal (#3/34) - $0.79 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Spheal (#3/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $4.68 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Walrein (#5/34) - Holofoil - $1.33 - Out of StockTeam Aqua's Walrein (#5/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.22 - Out of StockTeam Magma Admin (#29/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Magma Admin (#29/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $2.4 - Out of StockTeam Magma Grunt (#30/34) - $1.42 - Out of StockTeam Magma Grunt (#30/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $2.46 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Aggron (#14/34) - Holofoil - $1.46 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Aggron (#14/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $5.54 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Aron (#12/34) - $0.82 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Aron (#12/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.66 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Baltoy (#10/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Baltoy (#10/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $2.61 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Camerupt (#2/34) - Holofoil - $0.84 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Camerupt (#2/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $1.6 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Claydol (#11/34) - Holofoil - $1.23 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Claydol (#11/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $1.76 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Great Ball (#31/34) - $4.39 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Great Ball (#31/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $4.37 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Groudon EX (#15/34) - Holofoil - $399.95 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Lairon (#13/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Lairon (#13/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.25 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Mightyena (#19/34) - $1.03 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Mightyena (#19/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $5.31 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Numel (#1/34) - $0.73 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Numel (#1/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $3.04 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Poochyena (#17/34) - $0.98 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Poochyena (#17/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $5.12 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Secret Base (#32/34) - $2.64 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Secret Base (#32/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $4.71 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Zangoose (#22/34) - $0.6 - Out of StockTeam Magma's Zangoose (#22/34) - Reverse Holofoil - $5.47 - Out of Stock