Paragon City Games

Gold Series: Haunted Mine

Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Limited - $47.47 - Out of StockBone Crusher - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockBook of Life - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockBrionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier - Limited - $6.86 - Out of StockCall of the Haunted - Limited - $1.12 - Out of StockCall of the Mummy - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockCopy Knight - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDark Hole - Limited - $0.9 - Out of StockDark Mimic LV1 - Limited - $0.58 - Out of StockDark Mimic LV3 - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDark Scorpion - Cliff the Trap Remover - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDark Scorpion Burglars - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDawn of the Herald - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDespair from the Dark - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDon Zaloog - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockDouble Coston - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockEmbodiment of Apophis - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockFabled Grimro - Limited - $0.72 - Out of StockFear from the Dark - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockFormula Synchron - Limited - $1.26 - Out of StockGernia - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockGoblin Zombie - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockGorz the Emissary of Darkness - Limited - $27.62 - Out of StockGrapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World - Limited - $2.27 - Out of StockHelpoemer - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockHerald of Perfection - Limited - $6.47 - Out of StockHidden Spellbook - Limited - $0.76 - Out of StockKarakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X Bureido - Limited - $1.51 - Out of StockMachine King - 3000 B.C. - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockMaster Hyperion - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockMustering of the Dark Scorpions - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockMystical Space Typhoon - Limited - $15.27 - Out of StockNaturia Barkion - Limited - $8.24 - Out of StockNaturia Beast - Limited - $1.26 - Out of StockNumber 39: Utopia - Limited - $0.61 - Out of StockPatrician of Darkness - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockPhysical Double - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockPyramid of Wonders - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockPyramid Turtle - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockRed Ogre - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockRegenerating Mummy - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockRyu Kokki - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockSephylon, the Ultimate Timelord - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockSolemn Judgment - Limited - $19.04 - Out of StockSpellbook Organization - Limited - $0.83 - Out of StockStarlight Road - Limited - $0.88 - Out of StockThe Lady in Wight - Limited - $0.85 - Out of StockTiki Curse - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockTiki Soul - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockVampire Lady - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockZoma the Spirit - Limited - $0.57 - Out of StockZombie Master - Limited - $0.57 - Out of Stock