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Arcane Journal: Orc and Goblin Tribes


Item Details


Vast tribes of Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls dwell far from the palaces, cities, and castles of the Empire and Bretonnia. Should these warlords ever stop fighting themselves and unite into a cohesive force, they would sweep away all opposition in a brutal tide of violence.

This supplement takes a close look at the brutal badlands where the Orcs and Goblins hold their claims. This is a place where might makes right, and the largest, meanest, and most cruel dominate their rivals. Used in conjunction with Warhammer: The Old World – Ravening Hordes, this book arms you with even more in-depth rules, allowing you to use your collection of brutish Orcs and cunning Goblins in new and exciting ways.

Within this 48-page supplement book, you will find: